
Hello! My name is Whitney.. I am a bluegrass/oldtime/gospel musician.. I have been playing music since I was 9 yrs old. I began playing piano at age 9, years later I learned guitar (classical actually) I found out that wasn't the style for me.. So, I taught myself bluegrass style guitar. After learning guitar, I decided to expand my learning of other instruments.. Then, I ran across an old Harmony Batwing Mandolin, which I knew nothing about.. But figured I could learn it. Mandolin turned out not to be my instrument of choice, I can play one; but its not my favorite; my dads the mandolin player of the family.. After learning about a one year of mandolin (self taught), I bought a fiddle.. got a book, dvd, and cd.. Sat down and learned.. Sounded like someone killing a cat, but it didn't last long. after a few months of self teaching myself, I found a violin teacher; took a few lessons from her to make sure I was doing it right.. I played fiddle off and on throughout the years, at one point, I even sold my fiddle, anyways.. that's not the end of my learning of musical instruments. I picked up the banjo, after learning the fiddle for some time.. to me, the fiddle is way harder then the banjo! so, again, I'm self taught on the banjo. Began playing bluegrass style banjo, which to me was hard! so, I went to strumming the banjo.. More like what its called frailing.. I found my style!!! about two years ago, I started learning clawhammer banjo, the old timey style!! this was it.. I fell in love with the sound of this mountain banjo style! I have been playing banjo now for 5 years.. I finally, bought a fiddle again, I have one that is handmade in 1968 in the mountains of NC. Began playing it steadily.. My other instrument, is the mountain dulcimer. Which my mom plays also. This dulcimer is special how ever, its handmade.. made back in 1977... I have been playing dulcimer. My main instrument of choice? mmm, let me think.. Banjo and fiddle.. seems odd.. but yes.. those are my two favs. I like guitar if I'm playing rhythm or singing. Piano, I play it in church when they need a piano player. But, my love is in the old time banjo, and old time fiddle.. I have also learned the upright bass and dobro I don't own neither of these instruments but have learned them from other people showing me. I play at pickin places in the NC area.. Along with going to fiddlers conventions and bluegrass/oldtime festivals.. I enjoy playing, its my life.. I don't think I could live without it! Its a God given talent to be able to play so many instruments.. I want to pass it on, that's why I have this blog so I can add songs for other people to learn.. Most these songs, I learned by ear and wrote them out.. I have learned reading music, and can read it well. But I really prefer learning to play by ear. Its not easy.. but again, nothing in life is easy, right? the main thing is I have fun doing it.. meeting other musicians, and learning from them. Hope ya'll enjoy this blog, and Happy Pickin!